GE 132ton Ford switcher - made by Torsja
alias Tor-Jørgen Moskaug)
I always wanted one off these Ford switcher the moment I first saw a photo
off it.
Being a US Ford automobile fan this would be just the right train for me.
And will fit in to my plan off making a future Z-Scale modules based on
60-70'th automobile industry.I got hold off some drawings after asking for it on
the internet by a fellow Norwegian.
Thanks to him I got the plans to make my Ford model.
At first I did not have any immediate plans off
making it because off the lack off a suitable chassis.
But when MTL released the GP-35 model in late 2005, the first thing in my
mind was that this chassis would make
my plans become a reality. And so it did. :)
The master is made from copper wire, styrene, resin
castings, and some modelling clay.
First I made the grey one and then made a mould for the second half. After
that i glued it all together and made the moulds.

I millied out the first resin casting off the shell.

And here is the first actual fitting off the shell on the GP-35 chassis.

The modell konsist off two parts. The main shell and the walkways. The
master walkway is made off styrene. And the hand rails is made off a 0,3mm
brass wire
Glued on in drilled holes and soldered together to the main handrail. I will
try to make some in etched brass alter on.

My first painted casting off my GE132 Ford Switcher.

The decals is made with Testors White Decal Paper.
Printed on a color laser and coted with a layer off dullcoat.
I'm not too happy about the paint job I did on this first one.
I have to get some more experience on masking before I can get some sharper
paint lines.
And to get the metal details painted with some kind off quality.
I also have to do a better job on the hand rail guards.
And I'm missing some details like horns and some other BLMA type small
detailed stuff.
It's not a 100% accurate 1:220 Z-Scale all the way. But I'm satisfied so far
and I think it is god egnoth with the tools at hand. And I can also now make
some more resin casting off it.
It fits the GP 35 chassis with only some filing at the ends to slide down on
If I file down some on the top off the chassis that holds down the print
board I and get it to more the right height. But I have not wanted to do
that just yet before I get a new method off connecting the print board to
the chassis.

I will sell or trade these locomotives with people that
are interested in them.
PS: I would prefer trading for these
locomotives so send me a mail and
make me an offer at
- Trucks and couplers from MTL would be apprsiated
for trade. ( ex.
MTL's trucks w/coupler #004 02 001 )
Regard Torsja . Norway