
My first Micron Art 1913 Model T Delivery Van

My first try to build a Micron Art 1923 Model T
Z-Scale Truck. It’s a nice little truck for my "Needle Eye" layout. Just the
right time era. I used superglue to put it together and with some paint I think
it will look rely good.

The ZMOD's on the show in Larvik.
I had a great time in Larvik on the weekend off 29-30ocober 2005.. And as
usual i forgot to take allot off pictures on the show. But here is atleast some
Clik here->
The ZMOD's on the show in Drammen 1-2october.
I had a rely good time this weekend with a lot off nice visitors that asked
about our ZMOD standard and how we make our modules.
Thanks to the organizers for a yet another good arrangement.

I also got my MTL GP-35 today!!!

Click here for more
Preperations for the Show in
Drammen 1-2october 2005!
Today all the tracks has been layed on the new module!
I am now making a new module so that I can expand my
layout with other zmod’s and future modules that I might make. The new module is
a T-module that only use the outer double track so that it will infact act as a
turn/end module for the ZMOD standard when I use all my “Needle Eye” modules
together on shows. I’m planning to make the new module so that it acts ass a
“block”? System. So that more that one train can safely travel on this layout
without crashing in to each other. This together with the two separate tracks on
my layout will increase the action censurably.

The next time I will show my layout will be at
“Modellmessen 2005” in Solberghallen, Drammen the 1-2nd off
“Bee there or be bee square”
ZMOD on MOROP Convention!
My "Needle Eye" and Svein-Martin's "Saguaro River" where displayed for the
participants off the MOROP convention in Drammen Modelljernbaneklubb.
partisans were quite interested in our “small” work in the one hour the whole
séance was held.
This is on my workbench at the moment!
Just a small update.
Working on some new houses, train depo and a new porthole
It has begun to rain outside again, so I have now begun to
detailing my layout a little more.

Have begun to test some paint schemes on the shells.
But I'm not sure how it will end.

Making a F-7 Resin Casting
This is my first attempt of making a resin cast off an
MTL F-7 locomotive shell. The first attempt went pretty okay with a few things
that I learned after this.
04.05.05 Look at a Video from my layout.
Building tip for a River with Woodland E-Z water.
Click here for more information.

The portholes on one side of the mountain are now nearly finished.
Some more trees are being added to the layout. It takes some time to make the
trees, but I'm soon up to about 25+ off them. And it can begin to look like a
have also begun a new test project. It’s an attempt to make a “#2 Galloping
Goose”. I will se how It’s go with this in the future.
I have begun to make my forest now, a lot off trees are still to
be made before it can be called a real forest, but hey it’s a start..
A new double tunnel portal has also been made off Styrene and
wooden strips.

The mountain is beginning to take it’s final shape. And
“Needle Eye” Mine and Milling Company is inn It’s early construction stage.

I have begun to build a new mountain on one of the "new" modules. It is gone be
hallow so that I can gain access to the tracks for maintenance and so on.
From the track bed to the top it's about 19"(50cm). I also
used aluminum mosquito net covered with newspaper before applying all the

I have also started to make some new houses for the module.
The bases of the houses are made from “Evergreen scale models” sheet styrene
#2025 V-Groove. I paint them with Humbrol paint and Airbrush before adding some
North Eastern wood for the frames and so on.
Painting the tracks with my airbrush. I
use Humbrol #62 rust color diluted with paint thinner.

removable bridges and
More bridges are under construction.
These bridges is going to be removable and connect the side track on the modules
I have now almost completed the track work off the side line on
my Z-Modules this weekend.
Building of the
"Needle Eye" Wooden Trestle Bridge
